Four hours of Continuing Ed

This interactive course is presented in a unique combination of amazing 3D videos and audio exercises. You will learn and get reacquainted with hundreds of core medical words organized by body systems. These engaging visuals and auditory elements will enhance your learning and retention of the medical terms presented in this module.

You will have the opportunity to view medical animations on multiples subjects, such as human anatomy, physiology, diseases, treatments, and diagnostic studies. Furthermore, you will be able to listen and practice the correct English pronunciation of these terms with our unique audio-glossaries. The glossaries of terms are translated into Arabic, Simplified Chinese and Russian. In this module we’ll cover:

1. The Cardiovascular System 

2. The Digestive System

3. The Endocrine System

4. The Integumentary System

5. The Lymphatic System

6. The Muscular System

Single Course

Get only this 4-hour course
$ 80 3 months of access
  • Get 4 hours of credit
  • Pay as you go

16-hour package

Get four courses to save
$ 250 3 months of access per course
  • Choose any 4 courses
  • Cover your first two years to renew your certification

32-hour package

Get eight courses to save
$ 500 3 months of access per course
  • Choose any 8 courses
  • All the hours you need to renew
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