Medical Terminology
for Interpreters
MITS utilizes state-of-the-art animations and images to teach medical terminology. In these eight hours of training, you will find dozens of amazing, and professionally narrated, medical videos.
In these two courses (part I & II), we’ll cover 12 body systems touching on some of the most frequently terms used by healthcare providers.
Who is it for?
Whether you are a new interpreter or you are looking to fulfill continuing education, this course will help you increase your understanding of anatomy, physiology, diseases, and treatments.
These courses are available for Spanish interpreters and for interpreters of all languages. Approved by ATA, CCHI, CMI, IMIA, and the Judicial Council of California for Court Interpreters.
All glossaries are professionally translated into Arabic, Mandarin, French, Russian, Vietnamese, and Ukrainian.
How to Enroll?
As part of your 40-hour training program for Spanish
As part of your 40-hour training program for all languages
As continuing education for Spanish
As continuing education for all languages
For Court Spanish Interpreters
For Court Interpreters of all languages
For students at the University of Texas and others